Late Night Sellerpedia
Once you’ve registered, you keep your seller number and password, so start by LOGGING IN.
If you are transferring items from past sales and wish to make changes to the item’s tags, new tags must be reprinted. The old tag must be removed and the new tag placed on the item. Items found with duplicate tags will be removed from the sales floor.
Minimum price for all items: $3. Items will generally sell for 1/3 of the original price. However, make sure to keep the age and condition of the garment in mind when pricing. Sets tend to sell better than separate items, so match if you can. For clothing, group like items (same or similar brand & style) and price as one. Download Pricing Guideline
Review the list of items which we will accept. Feel free to email us with questions if you do not see an item you would like to sell. We accept specific types of clothing and other items according to the upcoming seasons. Our Fall sale is our fall/winter sale and the Spring sale is the spring/summer sale. There are a handful of category limits on clothing, etc. Limit Cheat Sheet Download. Please comply with these parameters, so you do not waste time tagging items that will not be accepted. Your items will be inspected at drop-off and any unsuitable items will be returned to you at that time.
Girls sizes Newborn-16 Youth.
Boys sizes Newborn-18 Youth.
Maternity Clothing (Limit 10)
Shoes – sizes 1-13 or infant sizes 0-8 (Must be in excellent condition!)
Infant/Children/Teen seasonal clothing in gently used/new condition
Boutique brand clothing
Dance and gymnastics garments
Dress-up clothing and accessories
Swim Items at Spring Sale only
Winter Gear at Fall Sale only
Costumes at Both Sales *Please save any Halloween specific costumes for the Fall* (ex. Vampire/Ghost/Witch, etc.) Dress Up Costumes are accepted in the Spring.
Denim jeans are accepted at both sales
Accessories such as socks, hair bows, ties, hats, belts, etc.
Baby Gear
Most Bedding
Travel Accessories
Stuffed Animals/Stuffed Dolls
Anything with a monogram or name of child
VHS tapes and CDs
Rocking Chairs for Adults
Bedding Sets and Large Blankets
Formula, and open packs of diapers/wipes/pacifiers, etc.
Non-maternity Women’s Clothing (Trying to pass women’s clothing as maternity can get you a stern talking.)
Cribs (newly added here)
Bath Tubs manufactured before 2018
Puzzles with ANY Missing Pieces $5 fee assessed on any puzzles or games missing pieces (There’s a fine for doing so)
Games with ANY Missing Pieces (missing 3 pieces of Monopoly money would be an exception) fee assessed on any puzzles or games missing pieces
Any items that are overly worn, torn, missing pieces, non-working components, outdated, stained or dirty.
Any returns are assessed a $20 fee – it hurts the sale’s reputation so much to have any items returned. Don’t do that.
Toys, books, and other play items sell very well…sellers typically get caught up in getting all of their clothes tagged and forget other very profitable items!. While everything that is fairly priced sells well at the sale, the percentage of TOYS and large items brought to the sale and are sold is very high. So don’t forget to clean out those toy boxes and playrooms!
Self-inspect your clothing before you begin to enter your items – any clothing with stains, tears, pilling, missing buttons or snaps, outdated style, smoky or musty odors, etc. will be removed during inspection, it will save everyone time at check-in if you remove those items at home first.
It is ok to use NO DISCOUNT, but please use it sparingly. Pricing should be competitive if you are using No Discount – and primarily for unique items.
Most often, what is left at the end of the sale are the clothes that are either overpriced or No Discount or both! Worn Target sleepers will not sell for $6 when you can easily purchase new for $7-10. Tiny Tots Sale shoppers expect quality items at bargain prices – and sellers, who make the most money, price to sell and take little to nothing home! It is a win – win!
Please do not attach more than one tag per item: If your item contains more than one part/piece, describe all pieces/ parts on only one tag.
Please check your items for stains in a well-lit room. Items with stains may not be put out onto the sales floor.
Attach the tag with a safety pin (no straight pins) to the upper right corner of the garment as shown in the picture. All clothing must be hung up on hangers.
DO NOT RUIN YOUR CLOTHES by putting holes anywhere but the seams with tagging barbs. We like tagging guns, but ONLY when used properly. Items not punctured
Try to sort in good lighting – we often catch stained items that we’d waste time tagging, if we weren’t by a window.
PREFERRED METHOD: Use a Zip tie to attach shoes together either through lace area, heel, etc.
Alternate method: Please place shoes in a ziploc bag and tape the bag shut with the tag on the sole side of the inside of the bag.
We are VERY picky about shoes. Any shoes that have scuffs, or are very loved just do not sell.
Oddly enough, shoes in shoe boxes do not to sell well.
Toys must include ALL parts and be in full working condition.
Any small or loose parts can be packaged in a zip-top bag.
Attach the bag to the main item with packing tape.
If a toy requires batteries to operate, they must be included to insure the buyer the item works. (Toys without working batteries will be removed from the sales floor and returned to you.) Dollar stores and Big Lots sell super cheap batteries.
Attach tag to the item using packing tape, zip ties or string.
Make sure tag is secure. We will NOT be able to sell any item without a tag.
Puzzles are best packaged by wrapping in plastic wrap and then sealing with packing tape on the back. Some puzzles are made of paper – do NOT attach tag to the paper fronts, it will rip the puzzle pieces.
We will only accept talking and interactive stuffed animals type toys – in like new condition. No regular stuffed animals, please!
Bibs, bottles, barrettes and bows, sippy cups, smaller toys, etc. should have the tag taped on the outside or placed inside of the bag.
Used plastic bottles do not sell well.
Make sure that DVDs are in working condition and inside the correct case.
Attach tag to the back cover of the DVD with tape.
Also attach tape to seal opening, we don’t want shoppers opening cases.
No R rated or horror movies.
Attach tag to the top front of the book with tape – blue painters tape is the best! The other tapes rip the paperbacks when removed at home.
Bundles of books sell well as long as they are similar (i.e. same author, same age, all animal farm board, etc.) Use twine, string, ribbon and wrap like a present. We get books that have separated from their ‘group’ if only using a single rubber band and the tag is on the outer most one.
Infant equipment, large outdoor toys, etc . . . Attach the tag using packing tape, or zip ties.
Attach a small piece of tape on the bottom of the item with your seller number and selling price. If the tag is lost/missing, we will still know who the item belongs to.
Large Little Tykes toys and furniture are in high demand!
Must be clean and in working order (batteries included.) Small parts must be bagged and attached to the main part very securely. If parts get separated the item will not sell.
Nursery and youth furniture and room accessories have been very popular!
You will need to reassemble the items – we have often tried to assemble them ourselves, only to find that screws are missing, etc. We then have to pull it from the sales floor.
Cribs must have the manufacture date on the crib, showing it to be manufactured on or after June 28, 2011
Instruction papers, warranties, etc. attached to strollers, exersaucers, cribs, etc. are an added bonus for buyers. You can go to the manufacturer’s website and download instructions, which should include the retail price so people know what kind of deal they are getting!
Attach tags using tape, or safety pins, unless it is large or wooden furniture then you can punch a hole and tie a string or ribbon. You do not want to use tape on wood furniture, especially painted wood furniture.
If you have window treatments you must include the measurements
Artwork and photo frames should be tagged by taping the tag on the front of the piece directly on the glass preferably on the top right hand corner. The way in which the art has to be displayed makes it hard for buyers to find tags if they are not on the front. Canvas artwork or non glass artwork obviously needs to go on the back so as not to ruin portrait. Blue Painter’s tape is the best!
Your car seat must have been manufactured within the past six years. They must also have at least 1 year left prior to expiration.
It must not be subject to recall or have been in any kind of accident. Review the used car seat check list to determine if the seat is salable.
All seat covers and straps must work well and be thoroughly cleaned! Or we will pull them from the sales floor.
White (or light) cardstock (80-110lb paper for printing tags themselves)
Plastic Hangers
Safety pins
Painter’s Tape is BEST – but clear tape for other things
Ziploc bags (if needed) & Zipties
Our online tagging system allows each registered seller to inventory the items. Each seller inputs all of their item information, such as gender, size, description, price, donate, and discount all online and then is able to print out all of their tags. Once an item is purchased at the sale, we scan your barcode. You will be able to see which items have sold once all the tags have been scanned in the system.
Price: Price item in $.50 increments.
Size: Label tag by size
Consignor(Seller #): Will be on all tags automatically
Description: Write description that allows us to confirm the item (dress, capri set, shirt, shorts, etc.).
You must use white card stock to print out the tags. No tags will be accepted on standard paper as they may get lost and/or torn.
When printing tags, the layout should default to 6 tags per page. Do not print using the “best” or “excellent” quality print option as this renders the bar codes unreadable by our scanners. If a change needs to be made to the tag once you have printed the tags, you MUST make the change in the tagging system and print a new tag!
Quality control, Seasonality, Proper Tagging & Prepping
Gently worn or new Seasonal baby, children’s (infant to children’s size 16) and maternity. Limits
We cannot accept items with stains, holes, or overly worn.
Zippers, buttons, and cleanliness.
Please mark the correct sizing of all items – hats, leggings, socks, etc. If it doesn’t have a size, it doesn’t sell.
Shoes, toys, baby equipment and furniture, dvds, bikes, sporting goods, games, books, puzzles, car seats, strollers, highchairs, outdoor play, anything to do with kids.
If you have equipment that requires assembly, please bring the proper tools for assembly. You are responsible for putting the item together (swings, etc), this sells your item.
If you have the original manual to the equipment, put the manual in a Ziploc bag and tape or safety pin it to the item.
All articles should be clean, complete and in good working condition.
Please be highly selective and do not bring stained or worn out clothing or clothing missing buttons or with holes in it.
All baby equipment should be clean, complete and in good working condition.
Also, do not sell toys unless they have ALL of the parts. If an item is battery operated, make sure that is has working batteries in it when you sell it so that people can tell that it is in working order.
Please help us maintain a high standard of quality by only bringing items that you would want to purchase.
Check to make sure your items have not been part of a recall ~ we are not allowed to sell any items that have been part of a recall.
This process is simple and will make the TINY TOTS Sale efficient and accurate.
Please use ONLY CARDSTOCK TAGS! Please don’t use stickers, paper or write on ziplock bags.
Handwritten tags are not permitted.
Tags must be from our online tagging system.
You’ll need to grab a DROP OFF spot by selecting a time in the Seller Portal.
Have your items sorted by gender and size before arriving.
Please check in at the Check-In table. You will need to confirm your seller number and info.
You’ll be placing your clothing directly on the main category tables at check-in (BOY SHOES/ACCESSORIES | GIRL SHOES/ACCESSORIES | BOOKS/DVDS/DECOR | TOYS/CRAFTS | GAMES/PUZZLES | BABYLAND (anything else that is found on a registry), so having items grouped together will speed up your drop off process immensely.
We will confirm with you that your items are correctly tagged, hung and seasonal.
Any items that do not meet the quality guidelines will be refused or donated immediately at the end of drop off.
Remember: we WANT you to sell the most, and we don’t want to refuse anything, so please be super picky before you start tagging. Don’t waste time tagging items that can’t be accepted.
You do have the option of skipping Drop & Go and waiting up to 60 minutes to receive any rejected items back.
Please make sure you follow the guidelines.
We ask that you bring large furniture, outdoor play, etc. directly to the sales floor. We often have help with large items.
*Don’t forget any tools or hardware needed to assemble any equipment or furniture you are selling (Sellers are required to assemble any equipment or furniture).
All sellers will be emailed TWO pases.
Spouses require a pass to enter the sale.
Only people with passes will be able to enter the Seller PreSale.
All unsold items are available to be picked up at the end of the sale.
You will collect any unsold items and ‘checkout’. If you need help locating any items we will help you locate it.
Be sure to check the ‘Lost and Found’ area to make sure none of your items were separated from the tag. Same for ‘Pulled for Quality’.
Unsold items that are not picked up will be donated to charity immediately at the end of the scheduled pick-up window.
If your items are not marked for donation and you fail to pick up, we have to assess a $20 fee to offset the extra cost of truck rental as well as a $30/per item fee for any items that are larger than a trash bag.
We regret that no alternate pick-up arrangements can be made. Please have a friend pick up your items if you are unable to do so.
We are not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen goods. We are not responsible for unsold goods due to lost tags.
After the sale, we calculate your earnings as 55% of the selling price on each item you sold. Selling at least 80% of your items is calculated at 65% of earnings. You will receive an echeck within 5 business days. Lost checks will be re-issued less a $60.00 bank assessed lost check/stop payment fee.
The Mother of All “How to Sell Instruction” (with painful detail)
We created this resource in case you’ve put the kiddos to bed and have a dedicated few minutes to work on selling, but a question pops up. Thus the over-the-top detail found below.
Register to be a seller, you will be charged a $15 non-refundable seller fee. Login to our online tagging system use your seller/consignor number and password.
Remember if you choose to mark as Donate any items that are unsold at the end of the sale your tags must be marked “D” for donation.
If you do not show up to sell, you will not be able to get your seller fee back. Seller fee is non-refundable.
Next, arrange your clothing items in order by gender and size.
Click “Work With My Consigned Items”
Start entering your items:
Select category
Select size
Enter the description of the item. Be descriptive. It will help your item sell
Enter price – Must be in $.50 increments. As a general rule, price your items at 1/4 of the original retail price. If an item is like new and name-brand, you can price it higher. If an item has been well loved and not name-brand, it should be priced on the lower end. Also, if you are looking to not have to take anything home at the end of the sale, price your items to sell. Best to ask yourself, “What would I expect to pay for this item?” Price it no more than what you would be willing to pay.
Select Discount – Check the discount box if you want your item to be sold at half price on Saturday during the half price sale. If the box is not checked your item will not be sold at half-price and may miss its chance of being sold. Will show as red star on printed tag.
Select Donate – Check the donate box if you want your unsold items donated. All items with tags selected for donate, will be donated. Will show as “D” on printed tag.
NOTE: All items must be picked up by end of seller pickup regardless of what you indicated on the bar-coded tag.
Click the “Submit Item” button. Now all your information is entered into the online tagging system!
When you are ready to print your tags: Select one of the ‘Print Tags’ options from our online tagging system.
Please use only cardstock.
If you don’t have access to a printer which will print on cardstock then after printing on paper please staple your paper tags to index cards or cardstock. Also, EXTREMELY important, make sure the back of the tag is blank. If you print tags on both sides of the paper we have no way of knowing which item actually sold. Please remember to clean your printer heads and have adequate ink in your printer. If your tags print faintly they will not scan.
Finally, please make sure you are printing your tags full size, the default – 6 tags to a page, smaller tags do not scan and are also difficult for some of our elderly shoppers to read.*
*If you have any questions please contact us at If the tags do not pop up in a new window, try turning off any popup blocker you may have running. If you are using Firefox, please print your tags using Internet Explorer. There are printing issues with our tags when printing from Firefox.*
You are ready to attach tags to your items!
NOTE: Tags may NOT have handwritten changes on price, discount, or donate. Make a new tag if you make a mistake or change your mind about a price or item description. You will NOT be able to make any changes to your tags once they are checked in to the sale. Changes made by hand will NOT be accepted at check-out lanes.
Cut your printed tags.
Attach with pins or tape (blue painter’s is ideal).
Pack up like with like and load the car for drop off day.
DONE - pour a glass and enjoy the space you made! echeck will arrive soon!